These Photographs were taken in the Boulder, Colorado areas including Wadlen Ponds Open Space, Sawhill Ponds Open Space, Lagerman Pond Reservoir and a few Photographs at Estes Park.

Snowy Egrets landing in Tandem at Walden Pond (DAH 100-400 mm Lens)

Snowy Egret landing with reflection with Female Mallard Duck on Walden Pond (SPH f2.8 -300 mm Lens)

Great Blue Heron (DAH 100-400 mm Lens)

Yellow-rumped Warbler (DAH 100-400 mm lens)

Black-capped Chickadee on sunflowers (SPH F2.8 - 300 mm lens)

Snowy Egret landing approach at Walden Pond.

Snowy Egret Touch Down Walden Pond.

Black-capped Chickadee on sunflowers (SPH F2.8 - 300 mm lens)

"Wings Over Walden Pound" Paur Snowy Egrets flying over feeding Snow Egret with reflections Walden Pond (SPH f2.8 - 300 mm lens)

Snowy Egrets landing in tandem with reflects on Walden Pond (SPH f2,8 - 300 mm lens)

Great Blue Heron take Off Sawhill Pond (DAH 100 - 499 mm lens)

Red-tailed Hawk - High Speed Fly by (DAH 100 - 400 mm Lens)

Sunflower macro shot taken with f2.8 - 300 mm lens (SPH)

Red-tailed Hawk DAH 100 - 400 mm lens) Taken near Walden ponds.

Juvenile Ceder Waxwing (SPH f2,8 - 300 mm lens) Estes Park, Co.

Black-capped Chickadee on sunflowers (SPH F2.8 - 300 mm lens)

Black-capped Chickadee on sunflowers (SPH F2.8 - 300 mm lens)

Sunflowers back lite in early morning sun - (DAH 100 - 400 mm lens)

Canada Geese (SPH f2.8 - 300 mm) Lagerman Reservoir

Dries Thistles at Walden Pond Sawhill Pond (DAH 100 - 400 mm lens)

Killdeer fishing along the lake shoreline of Lagerman Reservoir (DAH 100 - 400 mm lens)

Barn Swallow perched on bar wire fence. (DAH 100 - 400 mm lens) Near Lagermann Reservoir

Barn Swallow perched on barbed wire (DAH 100 - 300 mm lens) Near Lagerman Reservoir

Cottontail Rabbit (DAH 100 - 400 mm lens) Lagerman Reservoir

Prairie Dog blending into landscape. (DAH 100 - 400 mm lens) Lagerman Reservoir

Prairie Dog blending into the landscape (DAH 100 - 400 lens) Lagerman Reservoir

Killdeer fishing along the lake shoreline of Lagerman Reservoir (DAH 100 - 400 mm lens)