Birds of Prey come in many sizes and shapes as shown by the photographs on the cover page and inside this album.

Blue Angels flying in formation over Gulf State Park along Gulf Shores, Alabama, The Bald Eagles shown in the state park below are directly across the lagoon (Shelby Lake) opposite the Blue Angels in this photograph

Bald Eagle pair at Gulf State Park (photograph distance 300 yards approximately)

One of the pair of Bald Eagles that was observed (photograph distance 300 yards approximately)

Osprey at Gulf State Park approximately 150 yards distance on a cloudy day

Osprey and Bald Eagle sightings Lake Martin

Osprey family discussion at Lake Martin, Louisiana

Osprey hunting for breakfast meal at Lake Martin, Louisiana

Cypress tree where Bald Eagle was sighted at Lake Martin, Louisiana

Bald Eagle sighting at Lake Martin, Louisiana

Bald Eagle along the Mississippi River Levee at Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Bald Eagle taking flight to catch a fish to bring back to the Eagle's nest

Eagles' nest along the Mississippi River levee at Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Bald Eagle along the Mississippi Levee at Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Bald Eagle possibly cleaning its beak after a meal

Here are two Crested Caracaras that we photographed just below Richmond, Texas near Beasley, Texas. In South Texas some call the Caracara the Mexican Eagle. The Cornell Lab site indicates the Caracara is in the falcon family.